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we have introduced ROBOTICS in our school in 2017-18.

Robotics is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and science  and others. Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots,

But at this stage ,we are dealing with minimum basics of robotics along with some Theory and Assembling.

The recent technologies are used to develop machines that can substitute for humans. Robots can be used in any situation and for any purpose, but today many are used in dangerous environments (including bomb detection and de-activation), manufacturing processes, or where humans cannot survive. Robots can take on any form but some are made to resemble humans in appearance. This is said to help in the acceptance of a robot in certain replicative behaviors usually performed by people. Such robots attempt to replicate walking, lifting, speech, cognition, and basically anything a human can do. Many of today’s robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.


Robots produce more accurate and high quality work.
Robots rarely make mistakes and are more precise than human workers.
They can produce a greater quantity in a short amount of time.
They can work at a constant speed with no breaks, days off, or holiday time.
They can perform applications with more repeatability than humans.


Robots save workers from performing dangerous tasks.
They can work in hazardous conditions, such as poor lighting, toxic chemicals, or tight spaces.
They are capable of lifting heavy loads without injury or tiring.
Robots increase worker safety by preventing accidents since humans are not performing risky jobs.
Workcells provide safety features, separating the worker from harms way. 


Robots save time by being able to produce a greater magnitude of products
They also reduce the amount of wasted material used due to their accuracy
Robots save companies money in the long run with quick ROIs (return on investment), fewer worker injuries (reducing or eliminating worker’s comp), and with using less materials.

The list of the advantages of robots does not end there; they have also created jobs for workers. Many people believe the misconception that robots have taken away jobs from workers, but that is not necessarily true. Robots have created new jobs for those who were once on production lines with programming. They have pulled employees from repetitive, monotonous jobs and put them in better, more challenging ones. They also allow US companies to remain competitive, keeping jobs local. Robots are user-friendly, intelligent, and affordable. The benefits of robots continue to grow as more industries incorporate them. Contact RobotWorx at 740-251-4312 for help in choosing the right robot or get free price quotes.

Limitations of Robotics

An article about the advantages of robotics wouldn’t be complete without some discussion of the limitations of robotics. In spite of the very useful set of advantages of robotics discussed above, there are some tasks for which human beings are better suited than robots. For example:

  • Robots are not suited for creativity or innovation
  • Robots are not capable of independent thinking
  • Robots are not good at learning from their mistakes
  • Robots are not as suitable for making complicated decisions
  • Robots can’t as readily adapt quickly to changes in the surroundings

Human beings are needed for these types of tasks, so there is hope that we will not become superfluous in a world dominated by robots at some point in the future, as projected by some science fiction authors!