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Sports and games

            “Healthy body have healthy mind”. For entertainment and physical fitness, management gave lot of importance to sports and games. To develop inter student relation ship, organizing power co – ordination in between them, manage games.

  1. Weekly once or twice games.
  2. On eve of 26th January inter student competitions.
  3. on the eve of Aug 15th
  4. on the eve of Nov 14th


Different types of games are

       (a) Cricket                   

      (b) Throw ball      

       (c) Long jump     

       (d) Disc throw

      (e) Kabaddi      

      (f) Kho, Kho     

     (g) Valley ball    

     (h) Badminton    

     (i) Ring

     (j) Skipping      

    (k) Running             

    (l) Frog jumping  

    (m) Hopping.